CIM Cost Estimation Guidelines for Mineral Projects Industry Round Table Session


Monday, September 18 ┃17:00 – 18:30┃ Blair Nielson Room & Zoom

One of the chief roles and mandates of CIM is to develop and maintain technical excellence and knowledge of the mining industry. The Standards, Guidelines and Leading Practices Directorate was formed in 2022 to oversee and encourage the creation of mining documents.

The CIM Cost Estimation for Mineral Projects Guidelines (CEG) is the newest focus of this group. This document will describe the overall concepts and procedures to effectively manage the cost estimating activities involved in a mineral project in accordance with industry-accepted leading practices, standards, and guidelines.


Drive the conversation and help us make this guideline work for you!



Geoffrey A. Wilkie

Cost Engineering Consultant & Co-Founder, CANCOST Consulting Inc.


Travis Frith

Cost Engineering Consultant & Co-Founder, CANCOST Consulting Inc.